Limited partnership agreement new york

What is a limited partnership (LP)?

Limited partnership is a form of partnership in which all the “limited partners” of the business have limited liability for business debts and liabilities of the partnership business. In a limited partnership (LPs), at least one of the owners is considered a "general" partner who makes business decisions and is personally liable for business debts. LPs have one or more "limited" partner(s) that invest money in the business but have minimal control over daily business decisions and operations of the partnership. Similar to shareholders of corporation or members of an LLC, the limited partners have the benefit of limited liability.

How are limited partnerships taxed?

Similar to a general partnership, limited partnerships “pass through” their profit to the partners who pay taxes on such amounts on their personal tax returns.

Limited partners typically do not have to pay self-employment taxes. Since limited partners do not actively participate in the day to day management of the limited partnership, as the case may be, their share of partnership income is not considered "earned income" for purposes of the self-employment tax. In this regard, it is important to note that limited partners can become personally liable (and lose the limited liability afforded by the limited partnership) if they do not stick to their passive role. Some states have enacted certain exceptions to this "active role in the business" rule. These exceptions usually allow a limited partner to vote on issues that affect the basic structure of the partnership, including the removal of general partners, terminating the partnership, amending the partnership agreement, or selling all or most of the assets of the partnership, without jeopardizing limited partner status.

How is a limited partnership formed?